Ship operations and equipment are becoming more and more dependent on IT/IP equipment; from Sat-Coms to firewalls, CCTV, PA/GA and entertainment systems even INS/IBS. So, these systems and infrastructure need to operate, every time under all conditions.
Moreover, crews use Maritime IT/IP data networks (LAN/WAN) to contact their loved ones, and operational technology on board vessels of all types increasingly uses wired and wireless IT/IP data networks to enable communication. This brings many benefits to shipowners and crews. It has never been so easy to maintain contact with home or office.
Furthermore, intelligent data integration from multiple sensors and automation on board makes the operation of a ship safer and more efficient. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovations of Shipping 4.0 point to the future of the maritime industry. They are leveraging the benefits of Big Data Analytics (BDA), Internet of Things (IoT), etc. either in Cloud or Edge Computing implementations. However, it is essential that the underlying IT/IP infrastructure remains secure, reliable and in compliance with the ISM Code. It is essential that the operation of vessels at sea and onshore is reliable, remains safe and is always secured.
Aegean Electronics’ IT specialists have deep knowledge of commercial maritime and yachting data IP networks. Our engineers design and implement marine network solutions from Layer-1 (physical) up to Layer-7 (application).
Our Matrix Router is an innovative and powerful tool, which is hardware and application agnostic. It is developed and powered by Aegean Electronics and comes as an integral part of the Marine IT Network. Its main purpose is to offload from crew the daily or on demand network operation. Based on usage requirements, the Matrix Router allows optimized corresponding alterations to the matrix scheme.
Aegean Electronics supplies the hardware such as: switches, marine type approved ethernet, servers, routers, gateways, firewalls plus the services required to integrate them all in a reliably performing system. We design, supply, maintain and upgrade wired and wireless IT/IP networks which serve as the infrastructure for the various systems on board all types of vessels. When designing the network architectures, the performance and safety requirements for each system are taken into consideration. Moreover, maritime regulations mandate specific requirements on the design and management of these networks as described in IMO Resolution MSC.428(98), IMO Guidelines MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3 (based on NIST), ISO/IEC 27001 Standard, and the “Guidelines on Cyber Security Onboard Ships”.
We are experienced marine specialists; we speak your language plus our innovative solutions are engineered and tested to deliver reliable performance on board.
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