According to international regulations, the navigation and radio equipment onboard every commercial vessel has to be tested and approved on a regular basis. Aegean Electronics has been approved and certified by the Greek Authorities (Ministry of Merchant Marine, Branch of Commercial Ships’ Surveys) as a Shore Based Maintenance (SBM) Provider for Global Maritime Distress and Safety (GMDSS) equipment in all sea areas (A1-A4) as mandated by SOLAS requirements.

SOLAS is a set of international standards first released in 1914, in consequence to the “Titanic” disaster. Today SOLAS standardizes basic safety aspects for ships on international voyages such as stability, machinery, electrical installations, fire protection, and life-saving appliances. The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is to specify minimum standards for the construction, equipment and operation of ships, including those for Radio Communications and Safety of Navigation. Based on a satisfactory document review and periodical surveys the various classification societies, when delegated for these purposes on behalf of the various Flag States Administrations, perform verifications at the time of construction and throughout a vessel’s service life and issue the relevant Certificates, i.e. Safety Radio, etc.

Aegean Electronics is a Certified Partner of Cobham SATCOM (SAILOR and Sea-Tel brands) plus, an authorized Service Agent for SIMRAD and JOTRON products. We can conduct/coordinate for most major classification societies:

  • Initial and periodical marine radio surveys (GMDSS)
  • Annual performance test (APT) for VDR/S-VDR
  • AIS annual test report
  • SSAS commencement functional test
  • LRIT activation, conformance testing (CTR) and certification renewal

Furthermore, we can deliver worldwide service through our own offices and our global service network of well-established manufacturers and service suppliers, authorized by most major classifications.

Always available in our warehouse are OEM batteries, hydrostatic release units and key spares for prompt availability and support. Aegean Electronics can be your valued service partner for GMDSS Shore Based Maintenance (SBM) for your fleet sailing in all A1, A2, A3 and A4 sea areas under the Greek or any other flag. Ship owners benefit as they can still rely on one competent point of contact, no matter what kind of service is needed. For more information, and to order a service, please get in contact with our service coordination team.