New Quality Management System Certification for Milano Teleport Group

  Milano Teleport Group has renovated its certification according to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System. BSI, the British Stabdard Institution, has released to Milano Teleport Group the Certification for the following scope: “Design and provision of satellite communications services; design, development and management of customised systems and solutions; configuration, set-up and monitoring of satellite… Read more

Simrad Halo™ Radar Wins DAME Technology Category Awards, METS 2015

We are proud to announce Simrad HALO™ Pulse Compression Radar range, the world’s first high-performance recreational solid-state, open-array radar system with pulse compression technology Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc convallis tortor risus. Etiam consequat, est a vestibulum facilisis, risus ante congue neque, eget consequat leo elit a nisl. Maecenas euismod scelerisque… Read more