The Simrad EK Mission Planner is used by researchers to plan autonomous missions and surveys from deployment to recovery. All necessary parameters related to “wakeup” and “sleep” times for the echo sounder, as well as transmission modes, intervals and other parameters can be set-up by this mission planner. It is recommended that all users update their software to the latest version 3.3.0, which:
Solves a number of software bugs, like:
Improves on:
Adds new functionality by allowing the names of recorded .raw files to contain the UTC time instead of the local time.
The applicable licence conditions for the Simrad EK Mission Planner are listed when the new software is installed. Moreover the end user documentation has also been updated with this release. EK Mission Planner has a comprehensive context-sensitive on-line help system.The current Simrad EK Mission Planner Reference Manual is included as context sensitive on-line help with this new software.
This mission planner is a planning and programming tool for autonomous echo sounders such as Simrad WBAT and Simrad WBT Mini. The Simrad WBAT Autonomous scientific echo sounder system allows you to do continuous long term, in-depth ecosystem monitoring of the subsea environment using cutting-edge technology. The WBT Mini is a compact version of the highly efficient Wide Band Transceiver (WBT) used by marine research vessels all around the world. The compact size and energy efficient design of the WBT Mini makes it perfect as a portable echo sounder or for installation on a wide range of platforms. Simrad is a principal manufacturer of scientific echo sounders and instruments for Fishery Research and Underwater Science applications. Leading marine institutes have since the 1950s used Simrad technology for advanced research. Simrad provides scientists and fish management in both the marine and freshwater environments with echo sounders, sonars, transducers and post-processing tools for accurate fish measurements.
For further information you may contact the Official Distributor and Support Center for Greece:
Aegean Electronics SA
4 Zosimadon Str, Piraeus 185 31, Greece
Tel: +30 210 4123000