B&G App updated with New Features

B&G®, the world’s leading sailing navigation, and instrument specialist unveiled its B&G App last summer and has followed up with a new release with updates offering a range of safety and navigation enhancements, personalized notifications plus the anchor alert safety feature for premium subscribers.

The B&G App is available on both the Apple Store for iOS and Google Play for Android and now offers satellite overlay view for premium subscribers, enhancing situational awareness with the option to choose between full view or land-only. In addition, sailors can select the transparency level of the layer.

Another popular update for sailors is the weather overlay on the charts which includes key data such as wind, gust, precipitation, air temperature, and pressure. During route planning, users can see what weather is predicted at a specific time and location during the route, opting for the weather overlay both from main charts or during route creation.

When anchoring, premium users can simply set their location and receive push notifications if their yacht is drifting, while they’re busy or sleeping on the boat. Using GPS data, a breach of the geofence will result in the sound of the alarm, meaning sailors can now be certain their anchor is not dragging and get a good night’s sleep.

Sailors will also appreciate the new social capabilities including sharing tracks with friends and followers in other applications (i.e. Facebook, WhatsApp, Text), sending and receiving referral invitations to the app, and push notifications for key events like weather-related alerts. Notifications are customizable by category within the settings.

The B&G App is free to download and offers free up-to-date and detailed nautical charts from C-MAP®, personal waypoints, routes and tracks, the latest marine weather, personalization, and much more.

The C-MAP charts on the app are carefully designed to highlight what is most important at any given time during your sailing experience, maintaining accuracy and a clean, uncluttered view. Charts are powered by data from official hydrographic offices with data continuously updated and augmented from thousands of data sources provides clarity and detail needed for your routing, whether that’s a voyage, race, or a few quick hours sailing with friends on the water.

Updates for all users:

  • Personalised Notifications (by category)
  • Sharing Tracks
  • Referral & Invitation Capabilities

Premium Updates:

  • Satellite Overlay View
  • Weather Overlay
  • Anchoring Alert


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