

SIMRAD’s slogan is “Technology for sustainable fisheries” and we live by this slogan every day. SIMRAD believes that a sustainable fishery worldwide is the only right way to survive. By sustainable we mean a healthy take-out of the world fish stocks as well as an efficient and profitable fishery for the fisherman. SIMRAD believes that technology is an important factor to achieve this. Products that we believe have contributed to a sustainable fishery are Echo sounders with a Split Beam technology: this makes it possible to catch the right size fish. Catch monitoring instruments: this will reduce the impact of a trawl on the fauna, catch the right fish at the right time for better quality, catch the right species, and disregard by-catch before it is taken to the surface. These and many more reasons will help to obtain sustainable and pro table fisheries in many years to come.

Efficiency and profitability mean sustainable fishery. SIMRAD believes that an efficient fishing vessel will save the environment in many ways. One is saving fuel and therefore the CO2 emission is reduced since the vessel spends less time on the sea. Efficiency is key to becoming profitable, however other factors are also important. Catching the right size of fish, for example, will give the fisherman a better price and ensure that he is not catching small non-reproductive fish, cutting o the lifeline to the future. The right species is another important factor. To be able to see what species of fish enters your trawl and to be able to guide not wanted fish out will save the environment. To be able to make an early decision of what school to catch will save the environment, as the vessel will not travel more than strictly needed. All this is possible by using technology made by SIMRAD, and we will not stop here. Our goal is to always improve, in performance as well as with groundbreaking technology.


A good transducer makes a good echo sounder. SIMRAD produces a variety of single and split beam transducers, for the ES80 echo sounders, which operate from 12 kHz to 333 kHz.

The EQ50 is a single beam fish finding echo sounder. Each transceiver can operate in up to 4 frequency bands, centered at: 38, 70, 120 & 200 kHz.
Current Indicator
The CP200-5C transducer provides speed & direction measurements of 5 individually defined current layers with high resolution and a range deep enough for most purse seiners.

Elements made from Ceramic, Tonpiltz and Composite materials are used for single beam, split beam and wide band transducers and hydrophones.

In SIMRAD omnidirectional sonars up to 480 elements are used to create multiple beams, covering 360° horizontally and 180° vertically. All transducers and their elements are designed and produced in-house.

Omni SY50
The SY50 is a compact 360° omni sonar with an 8-inch transducer and all functions of the larger Simrad sonars. It is using 256 individual elements-transceiver channels with fully stabilized beams and adjustable operating frequency from 54 kHz to 60 kHz.

Omni MF90
The Simrad MF90 is a 360° omni broadband sonar (75-85 kHz) allowing high definition in multiple displays. The composite transducer with narrow beams in CW & CHIRP provides high resolution even on longer ranges.

SN90 Trawl/Purse
The SN90 is a 120° matrix sonar using a flat transducer, w/o hull unit or moving parts. The individually steerable inspection beams allow independent operation between 75 to 95 kHz like
“5 echo sounders in 1”.

Catch Monitoring
SIMRAD wireless catch monitoring systems show multiple measurements by using acoustical communication between the vessel and sensors on the trawl or purse seine.

Trawl Eye
The Trawl Eye sensor provides a real time echogram plus various measurements from the trawl net using wireless communication.

Net Flow
The Flow sensor provides a real time current flow in the trawl opening plus various measurements using wireless communication.

Trawl Position
The TP90 system uses the PxPos sensors to provide real time position of the trawl doors and/or net using split beam communication.


Ocean Science

Since SIMRAD introduced sonar technology to the commercial fishery in Norway in the 1950s, the products have always evolved around sound in water. Through a close connection with the scientific community, important developments such as instruments for quantification of biomass, fish size estimation, and tools for species identification have been commercialized and introduced to scientists worldwide.

We believe that a sustainable fishery is dependent on accurate tools to quantify and understand the marine ecosystem, and the SIMRAD products have always been at the forefront of providing for this.

Sustainability in this context also involves the environment, and all SIMRAD products are designed to facilitate efficient surveys. Scientific Multibeam Systems are used to increase sampling volume with less ship time needed to achieve the survey goal. Trawl monitoring systems are used to monitor trawl behavior, as we believe optimal trawl performance also leads to reduced fuel consumption, less impact on the fauna and the right species and the right amount in the catch.

Following the current mantra in management and research communities, SIMRAD now offers products for ecosystem monitoring, ranging from small plankton to large mammals. As the focus shifts from single fish stock management towards looking at the whole food web, SIMRAD shall continue to develop new and refine existing tools for mapping the marine ecosystem.


Single beam
Calibrated split-beam echo sounders operating at multiple frequencies are an essential research tool for any quantitative survey. The introduction of EK80 series by SIMRAD takes research to the next level with underwater scientific systems, which can operate as narrowband (CW) or wideband and be adapted to match any situation and environment.

The EC150-3C transducer combines scientific echo sounder and ADCP functions in one housing. While the CP333 is a dedicated compact and versatile ADCP transducer which is rated up to 1500m installation depth. 

Multi beam
A scientific multibeam transducer consists of 800 individual elements that create configurations of multiple beams based on the user requirements. Combined elements are used to form beams in the shape of a FAN or MATRIX, allowing for real time 3D and 4D information to be collected.

Blue Insight
A cyber-secure, flexible and scalable digital ocean toolbox. Cloud-based solutions for seamless data acquisition, fusion, processing, visualization, contextualization, and management of ocean data. provides real-time overview across platforms and data types.


  • 75+ years of innovation
  • efficient & sustainable fisheries
  • minimize impact on ecosystem
  • optimal ocean data collection and use
  • by Kongsberg Discovery AS